Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thank You, Lord!

Wow. It is Thanksgiving... again!

In the three years I have blogged, my life has been changed in crazy ways.

Back in 2011, I really did feel like the most blessed girl.... ever.
(You can read that post here.).
Wow... I was so young, so innocent, so happy.
I knew, even then, my life was too easy.
Too good.
I was with my family, at home..... I had my family, my job, my Savior.... life was good.
God was so good.

Thanksgiving of 2012 was totally different.... but so beautiful.
(Andddddd.... that post is here....).
I was alone and learning life changing lessons on depending on my Savior.
It was a hard season, I was DYING to be home, yet LOVING the ministry God had me in.
I had an upcoming visit home, an awesome job, and a beloved Savior.
God was so good.... but I knew Him in totally new ways.

Now, 2013.
Whew. This year has been..... a lot of things.
This month!!!!!!!!!
God has been a lot of things!
Pretty much, His love is overwhelming.
I don't think I have ever had more to be thankful for, yet, something God is showing me is contentment and joy that is not based on circumstances..
This year is similar to way back in 2011, I am home, surrounded by love and food, the whole family is together..... but I am totally different.
I think I have had times of being thankful, without being content and time of happiness without joy.
Through the last two years God has shown me something that FAR surpasses all the earthly blessings that I have.... Himself.
I am realizing why I was created in the first place.
I spent a lot of my life thinking it was about me. It's not.
My life has a PURPOSE! I love that word....
I have a JOB!
I'm listening to Christmas music (PLEASE don't judge me!).... there are a lot of, "You're all I need" or "Baby, all I want for Christmas is you..." and "....oooohhhhhoooooohhhhhooooohhhhh."
Christ is all we need, people.
I promise.
Our world is advertising that romance, love, and vainity is going to bring fulfillment and happiness..... It doesn't. It can try..... but in the long run... we were created for One.
That is where we can find JOY and PEACE and all the other stuff!

This year, more than ever, I am thankful.
I am with my wonderful family, in my home.....I have my Savior....He is my HUSBAND, my Beloved, my LIFE!
God is SO good.

Happy Thanksgiving!

P.S. Why would anyone go shopping at midnight tonight? Well, because we are young. Because I never have gone at midnight. Because I have brother's that are as crazy as me. Because we can. :)

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